9 Common Things That Weigh About 300 Kilograms (+Pics)

Three hundred kilograms is equivalent to about 661 pounds or 0.3 tons. 

This weight is considered heavy, but certain weightlifters can lift objects weighing 300 kilograms up to a height of two meters from the ground.

For a practical understanding of the heaviness of this weight, this post presents various items that weigh about 300 kilograms, providing reference points.

These examples range from gallons of water to bags of cement to some animals.

Read: 9 Common Things That Weigh Approx 50 Kilograms

Read on.

Things That Weigh About 300 Kilograms

1. 16 5-gallon Water Containers

Water is a perfect reference for various weight measurements, including as light as 3 ounces and heavy as 50 pounds. It’s universally available and is divisible into different quantities. 

According to the Weight Calculator, eighty gallons of water is approximately 300 kilograms. Although you can’t find 80-gallon containers, you can get or are familiar with 5-gallon bottles as they’re household items used for storing and dispensing drinking water. 

So imagine how heavy sixteen 5-gallon water containers are to get an impression of a weight of 300 kilograms.

2. 146 Bricks

Bricks can also be excellent reference points for various weight measurements, lightweight and heavy since they have standard sizes depending on the country you’re in. 

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In the US, the standard brick weighs 2.05 kilograms, a light weight compared to 300 kilograms.

But if you’re familiar with how heavy they’re, you can imagine 146 as they have a combined weight of about 300 kilograms. 

3. 7 Standard Bags of Cement

Similar to bricks, bags of cement can be reliable references for light and heavy weight measurements because they have standard sizes, depending on the country. 

In the United States, a typical bag weighs around 94 pounds (approximately 43 kilograms). If you have ever lifted one, you would agree that it’s heavy for most people to carry – although most construction workers are accustomed to lifting these bags onto their shoulders and moving around with them.

Now imagine how seven would weigh. It’s approximately 300 kilograms, and explains why workers use wheelbarrows to move as many bags on a construction site.

4. 4 Half Beer Keg Barrels

Kegs are widely used worldwide for serving beer in large gatherings and events that require huge amounts of alcohol, such as bars, restaurants, and parties. 

Kegs come in different sizes, but half-keg barrels are the most common in many countries, including the United States.

Each half-barrel weighs approximately 73 kilograms. So if you’re familiar with them, four would give you an impression of how heavy 300 kilograms can be.

5. 3 20-year-old American Men

The average weight of individuals depends on many factors, including the country you live in, although the difference is usually minimal. 

According to Verywell Fit, the average man in the United States, aged 20 years and above, is 90.72kg.

See also  13 Common Things That Weigh About 200 Grams (+ Pics) 

Now imagine how heavy three such individuals would be. They may not be precisely 300 kilograms, but you can get an idea of something weighing 300 kilograms.

6. An Average-sized Vending Machine

While walking through streets, office buildings, schools, shopping malls, airports, train stations, and hospitals, you’re likely to find vending machines. They’re popular options for on-the-go individuals looking for a range of products, including snacks, beverages, cigarettes, newspapers, personal care items, and even electronics, in some cases.

Vending machines come in different sizes, but an average-sized one weighs 290 kilograms. Not precisely 300 kilograms, but it can help you paint a picture of how heavy 300 kilograms is.

7. A Small Motor Aluminum Fishing Boat

Motorized aluminum fishing boats are popular in various environments, such as rivers and lakes. They’re the most common, preferred by professional fishermen and recreational anglers due to their versatility and affordability. 

Depending on the size of the engine, a motorized fishing boat can be as heavy as 900 pounds. 

However, most usually use small engines and are considered lightweight (for a fishing boat), approximately 300 kilograms.

8. 4 Male Goats

Goats are popular worldwide, kept for several purposes, including meat and dairy. 

Although their weight varies depending on many factors such as breed, sex, and age, they can help us understand various weight measurements, including 300 kilograms. 

An average-sized mature male goat falls between 70 and 90 kilograms. That means if you put about four on a weighing scale, they would have a combined weight of about 300 kilograms.

9. 3 Newborn Elephant Calves

Inhabiting the grasslands and savannas of Sub-Saharan countries, elephants are massive creatures that take the title of the heaviest land mammals on the planet. 

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Females weigh less than their male counterparts, about three tons. And when they give birth, their young ones are also heavy, ranging from 90 kilograms to 113 kilograms. 

So, something weighing 300 kilograms is equivalent to about three newborn elephant calves.

Read: 9 Common Things That Weigh About 10 Kilograms (+Pics) 

To Wrap Up…

Individual things that weigh precisely 300 kilograms are rare. The only ones that come close include average-sized vending machines, which you can find around the streets.

The good news is you can use items that collectively add up to 300 kilograms to understand how heavy 300 kilograms is. These items are everywhere, including bricks, bags of cement, and animals such as goats.

About Kevin Jones

My name is Kevin Jones, and I'm the proud founder of this website. I'm a self-professed measurement enthusiast, and I've been passionate about measuring things for as long as I can remember. On this website, you'll find information on all aspects of dimensions, including measurements and weight of stuff.