How Much Does an Orange Weigh? (Quick Guide)

Oranges are a widely popular fruit for their tangy, sweet taste and high vitamin C content. I have encountered numerous types of oranges during my quest for knowledge: Navel, Valencia, and Blood oranges, among others.

Throughout this article, we will dive deeper into the factors that influence an orange’s weight and explore some interesting tidbits I have discovered.

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The weight of an orange mostly depends on its size and variety. Small-sized oranges generally weigh around 100 grams, while medium-sized ones weigh approximately 150 to 200 grams. Large oranges can weigh up to 300 grams or more.

How Much Does an Orange Weigh?

As a fruit lover, I’ve always been curious about the weight of oranges. I’ve noticed that their weight can vary quite a bit. So, let me share my findings with you.

The weight of an orange mostly depends on its size and variety. Small-sized oranges generally weigh around 100 grams, while medium-sized ones weigh approximately 150 to 200 grams. Large oranges can weigh up to 300 grams or more.

Regarding recipes, juice yield is usually more important than the weight of oranges. An average medium-sized orange (150-200 grams) often provides around 60 to 80 ml of juice. However, this may vary depending on the juiciness of the specific orange.

Different Types of Oranges and Their Weights

I love oranges! There are so many varieties, each with their unique characteristics and weights. Here, I’ll share a few of the most popular types of oranges, along with their typical weights.

Navel Oranges are one of the most common types of oranges we see in the grocery store. They’re seedless and are known for their “navel” at the bottom, resembling a human belly button. A medium-sized navel orange typically weighs 180-225 grams (6.4-8 ounces).

Valencia Oranges are another widely known variety, which is juicy and great for making orange juice. They have a thinner skin compared to navel oranges and may contain seeds. Their weight is slightly lower, with medium-sized Valencia oranges averaging around 170-210 grams (6-7.6 ounces).

Cara Cara Oranges, my favorite, are a type of navel orange with a distinct pinkish-red hue when we cut them open. These oranges have a sweet and tangy flavor and very low acidity. The average weight of a medium-sized Cara Cara orange ranges from 190-230 grams (6.8-8.2 ounces).

Blood Oranges are, in my opinion, the most visually striking type of orange, with their dark red colored flesh. They have a rich flavor profile with hints of raspberry and orange taste. Blood oranges weigh slightly less than others, between 150-190 grams (5.3-6.7 ounces).

Mandarins, or tangerines, are smaller and easier to peel than your regular oranges. They have a sweet, slightly tart flavor and come in many varieties, such as Satsumas and Clementines. Mandarins generally weigh between 80-120 grams (2.8-4.3 ounces) each.

Factors Influencing the Weight of an Orange


When it comes to oranges, the size is a major factor that influences their weight. Generally, the larger the orange, the heavier it will be. The diameter of an orange can range from 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) to 3.9 inches (10 cm).

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I have found that small oranges typically weigh around 100-150 grams, while medium-sized oranges can weigh between 150-200 grams. Large oranges can weigh even more – up to 300 grams or more. Of course, this is just a general guideline, as the actual weight can vary.


There are numerous orange varieties, each with its characteristics, including weight. For example, Navel oranges, known for their thick skin and sweet taste, can weigh between 200-280 grams.

Valencia oranges, often used for juicing, are usually smaller, weighing around 140-240 grams. And let’s not forget about blood oranges, which can weigh between 170-260 grams. As you can see, the variety of an orange can have a significant impact on its weight.

Cultivation Methods

Cultivation methods also play a role in determining the weight of oranges. Factors such as irrigation, fertilization, and pruning can influence the fruit’s size and weight.

Watering and fertilization are vital for fruit growth, while pruning redirects energy for larger oranges. Optimizing these methods ensures bigger and heavier fruit yields for orange growers.

Seasonal Impact

Finally, the season can affect orange weight as well. Generally, oranges tend to be heavier early in the season, as they have had ample time to absorb nutrients and store them in their tissues.

As the season progresses, the fruit’s size and weight may decrease somewhat as the trees’ energy is directed toward new growth. It’s interesting to note that factors such as temperature, rainfall, and other climate-related conditions can also impact the fruit’s weight.

How is Orange’s Weight Measured?

When I weigh an orange, I typically start by placing it on a digital kitchen scale. These scales tend to be quite accurate and can measure the weight of an orange in either grams or ounces.

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It’s essential to calibrate the scale, which can usually be done by pressing the ‘tare‘ button, to ensure the most accurate measurement.

Once calibrated the scale, I gently placed the orange on it, ensuring it was stable and centered. This provides the most precise reading possible. The digital scale then displays the weight, which I can note down.

  • Small oranges: These usually weigh around 100-140 grams (3.5-5 ounces) and are easier to carry around for snacking.
  • Medium oranges: These fall in the 130-200 grams (4.5-7 ounces) range and are perfect for balancing sweet and tart flavors.
  • Large oranges: Large oranges weigh around 200-300 grams (7-10.6 ounces), packing more fruit and ideal for juicing.

Significance of Weight in Orange Market Pricing

As a lover of oranges, I can’t help but notice the importance of weight in determining the market price of these delicious fruits. A better understanding of this relationship can help producers and consumers make informed decisions.

First, let’s consider the weight range of oranges. On average, a medium-sized orange weighs about 140 to 170 grams. Of course, this can vary depending on factors like size, variety, and growing conditions.

Weight is a significant factor in market pricing because it can influence the product’s quality and overall appeal.

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For example, heavier oranges are often considered juicier and more flavorful than their lighter counterparts. This means that buyers might be willing to pay a premium for weightier oranges as they perceive them to be of higher quality.

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Another factor to consider is the cost of production. Heavier oranges typically require more resources, such as water and nutrients, during the growth process. They also demand more labor for harvesting, sorting, and packaging. This contributes to a higher cost per unit, which can result in a higher retail price.

In addition, the transportation and storage of oranges are affected by their weight. Heavier fruits can be more challenging to transport and store since they may require more robust packaging materials to protect them from damage. Consequently, this can increase costs for suppliers and retailers, who may pass them on to consumers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the weight of a navel orange?

Navel oranges’ weight varies widely, ranging from 130 to 280 grams (4.6 to 9.9 ounces) on average. Larger ones can weigh up to 400 grams (14 ounces), influenced by factors like variety, growing conditions, and maturity.

What is the weight of a Seville orange?

Seville oranges, known for their use in marmalades and as a sour citrus ingredient, usually weigh between 120 to 170 grams (4.2 to 6 ounces). However, like navel oranges, the weight may vary based on various factors.

How many oranges are in a pound?

The quantity of oranges in a pound varies based on size and type. A pound usually contains 3-4 medium oranges or 6-7 smaller ones, such as mandarins. Note that these are rough estimates and actual weights may differ.

What is the weight of a mandarin?

Mandarins typically weigh 60-80 grams (2.1 to 2.8 ounces) and vary due to factors like variety and growing conditions. However, use these numbers as a general guide, not exact measurements.

About Kevin Jones

My name is Kevin Jones, and I'm the proud founder of this website. I'm a self-professed measurement enthusiast, and I've been passionate about measuring things for as long as I can remember. On this website, you'll find information on all aspects of dimensions, including measurements and weight of stuff.