8 Everyday Things That are 25 Feet Long

25 feet is equivalent to 7.62 meters or 8.3 yards.

However, converting it into other units won’t give you a good-enough idea of how long that length is. 

That’s why if you want to understand how long 25 feet is, you better compare it with objects of the corresponding length. This way, you’ll be able to visualize these objects and get a sense of how long that length is without much hassle.

This post explores eight examples of everyday objects that measure approximately 25 feet.

Read on to understand how long that length is in a relatable way!

8 Common Things That are 25 Feet Long

1. Small Garden Hose

Garden hoses are used as water vessels, helping transport water over short and long distances. They’re often found in gardens and car washes. 

Like many products, garden hoses come in different sizes, depending on how you plan to use them. Most home gardeners and small-scale car washes often go for the shortest, usually 25 feet long.

So if you can remember that hose you saw at the car wash or home garden, you can visualize it to understand how long 25 feet is.

2. Four Standard Refrigerators

Almost every household in the United States has a fridge. These electrical appliances come in handy in helping keep food fresh and drinks cold. 

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A standard fridge is a fridge that fits nearly every kitchen – not the ones you find in rental apartments and condos. Their size depends on the manufacturer, but many are about 5.8 inches tall.

Therefore, imagine how tall four standard fridges would be to get a rough idea of the length we’re trying to visualize.

3. Four Banquet Tables

If you’ve been to a special event, say a wedding, luncheon, outdoor company picnic, or caterer gala, you likely saw some peculiar rectangular tables, which people often relocate to create different sitting arrangements to suit their whims.

They are called banquet tables and can make perfect reference objects when you want to understand a measurement of 25 feet. One banquet table is usually six feet long, so you need four to visualize a length of 25 feet.

4. Five Park Benches

A park bench is a long metallic or wooden seat where a couple of individuals can sit at a go. They’re common in many homesteads as well as in schools, as they create living spaces outdoors where people can relax and enjoy the fresh air. 

While park benches come in different sizes, the ones you find at home and in schools usually measure about 4-6 feet – think of one that accommodates around eight individuals.

So if you can visualize four park benches placed end to end vertically, they add up to roughly 25 feet long.

5. Two-and-a-half Basketball Hoops

If you’re a basketball fan or have at one point watched the game, you likely have seen the circular metallic ring with a loose hanging net through which the ball passes for a player to score a point. It’s called a basketball hoop, but in this post we’re only interested in its height from the ground. 

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According to the National Basketball Association (NBA) regulations, all basketball hoops for players aged 12 and above must measure 10 feet in height from the court. That means you can’t go wrong referencing the length of two and a half basketball hoops when you want to get a precise idea of something as long as 25 feet.

6. Two and a Half Recreational Kayaks

A kayak is a small, narrow watercraft tapered at both ends and is propelled by a double-bladed paddle. They’re common in coastal areas and near lakes, with people using them for fishing and adventuring coral reefs, as well as fishing. 

Recreational kayaks are the smallest as, thanks to their size, you can easily maneuver them and perform tricks, especially when racing. They are usually between 9.5-12 feet, and the average length is around 10 feet. 

The best way to get a sense of a length of 25 feet with a kayak as a reference object is by picturing three and then imagining cutting one at the end into half.

7. Five Small Typical Standing Lamps

Standing lamps are relatively tall, often metallic fixtures with a weighted base. They are common in many households as they provide light within a room. 

The size of standing lamps varies from brand to brand, although by a few inches. That said, the smallest you can get is usually about five feet long.

So using the concept of multiplication, you need to picture five placed end-to-end to realize a length of 25 feet.

8. Five Average-sized Cat Trees

A cat tree is an artificial indoor device for cats to sleep and relax on and do other gimmicks – you know how playful these pets can get! 

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Cat trees come in different sizes, starting from around three feet. But since cats prefer height to security, according to cat enthusiasts, the ideal cat tree is approximately five feet long to allow the cat to survey its territory.

So next time you want to understand how long 25 feet is, visualize five cat trees placed end-to-end, and you won’t go wrong.

About Kevin Jones

My name is Kevin Jones, and I'm the proud founder of this website. I'm a self-professed measurement enthusiast, and I've been passionate about measuring things for as long as I can remember. On this website, you'll find information on all aspects of dimensions, including measurements and weight of stuff.